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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

A few games I've been playing lately

I'll start it off with MediEvil. If you haven't played this PS1 game before, then I urge you to. Due to playing the beta demo a few weeks ago, I had to dig this game out and play through it once more. It may have come in the middle of a few coursework deadlines; but I don't regret it one bit! Also, some smartypants has not only found a full beta version of the game online (maybe the promo release?) but dubbed the full version voices and sound effects onto it too. (The beta version .iso was without sound)

Also, I've been itching to play GTA III again; unfortunately my PS2 library is at my parents' house and I'm stuck here in my GTA-less flat. So, what did I do? Bought the promo version off Ebay. The wisest way to spend a student budget is definitely not spending £20 on a game you've already got. Well, technically it is the promo version; and GTA promos are among the rarest.

As well, I dug out Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Yeah that's right, the first game in the series. With the news of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD releasing this summer, I had go old school and play the first one again. For those of you who don't know, THPS HD will be a combination of Tony Hawk's 1 & 2, with next gen. graphics and gameplay etc. I also found a beta full version of Tony Hawk's 1. Unlike MediEvil where there are just a few differences / beta qualities, the Tony Hawk's beta is full of beta content! I'll be uploading a video of the content soon.

I'll be uploading some footage of Gran Turismo 2000, and an early GT3 demo as well. Plus secret characters from Dynasty Warriors 2 is also on my to-do list.

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