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Thursday, 24 May 2012


So, I was browsing for GTA V info the other day; which was fruitless as Rockstar have released very little since the trailer debuted last November. But I came across a questionnaire posted on So I'm giving it a go!


Most Memorable Moment(s)?
What are your favourite memorable moments from playing IV?

 Well I have a lifetime's memories from playing the whole series, but from IV; not so much... I'd say probably what I end up doing on every GTA title, attempting to find and capture secret vehicles. If you watch my YouTube videos, you'll presume that I mean vehicles that can only be acquired through the use of cheat discs. But I simply mean the bulletproof, fireproof etc. cars that you usually find during missions. I think the one I remember most fondly from IV was specifically the Police Stockade, and other unique vehicles.

Favourite Features?
What was your favourite IV feature e.g Physics?

 Tough one actually, not to narrow down my choice; but to pick one at all... You see, although there is no doubt that GTA IV was a good game; I felt that the PS2 titles felt superior in comparison. All things taken into consideration, maybe the ragdoll physics; though I would refrain from saying physics generally. This is because I didn't like the car physics, and in addition, definitely not the driving camera!

Another thing I was quietly impressed with, was the graphics. The game looked really nice, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Rockstar can create a next gen countryside on GTA V.

Favourite In The Series?
Did you prefer IV to previous titles? e.g Vice City, San Andreas etc...?

 My favourite game in the series has always been GTA III. But as far as features and the landscape itself go, I'd say San Andreas was the best in the series so far.

 Overall IV Rating Out Of 10?
Did it exceed your initial expectations?

Whilst GTA IV was undoubtedly a good game, it doesn't have the same appeal and replay value as any other game in the series. A lot of minor things needed perfecting; e.g. the driving camera. (It always moves to the side of the car when turning a corner, so you can't see what's ahead of you after taking a tight bend. That is unless you manually adjust it using the R3 stick, which is unnecessarily complicated.)

I didn't particularly like the storyline too much, or Niko himself. The city had little exploration opportunities like desert or countryside, and was unfortunately a carbon copy of New York.



Future Expectations?
From playing IV post hype, do you expect V to live up to your expectations?

In certain aspects, I do. I already know that the game is going to be a carbon copy of Los Angeles, which is unfortunate; as I would prefer Rockstar to show some originality and create a new and interesting city. I just hope the vehicles won't go the same way.

But I am looking forward to the exploring the countryside! And I know that I said that I didn't like the gimmicks like playing pool, getting drunk etc, but I have to admit that when I saw people playing golf in the GTA V trailer; I was excited at the prospect of being able to play golf in GTA V!

 Future Dream?
What do you want most to do in V e.g Story, Exploration, Multiplayer etc...

Well I kind of answered that already; but the countryside and golf! Not to sound posh or anything... I am also looking forward to exploring Vinewood and potentially a Beverley Hills type area. I'm also looking forward to finding out more about the protagonist and storyline. Vehicles and secret vehicles as well.

Impressed Or Let Down Slightly?
Did the trailer do it for you, are you excited and eager for this game most of all upcoming titles?

Mixed feelings. It's a shame that the city is simply Los Angeles, though I'm excited to explore the surrounding areas. Other than that it's hard to say as not much was given away other than the location. At this point we have no idea who the main character will be and what he will be like. It is presumed that the narrator of the trailer will be the main character, but there are alternative theories floating around too. We also have no idea of the storyline that will feature in GTA V.

Overall GTA V Trailer#1 Rating Out Of 10?
Did it exceed your initial expectations?

I'm going to sit on the fence a little bit and say 8/10. Marks taken off because of lack of originalty of the city; but marks added because of the addition of the countryside area. Also, the protagonist seems American, (if we are to believe that the narrator is the protagonist) and that's the way I like it best.

The game also looks nice and bright, in contrast to the dingy Liberty City. It almost has a Vice City feel about it in that sense, which is promising!

With thanks to 'GtaVComments' from for the questions.

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